
using lightboard for teaching

How to Create Engaging Educational Videos with a Lightboard

Educational research has established that learning is more effective when it combines visual and audio, known as the Modality Effect (Reiser & Dempsey, 2012). This combination reduces cognitive load, which allows the learner to retain information more effectively. We decided to create educational videos for

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green screen - student engagement

An Engagement Epidemic: Designing an Immersive, Media-Rich Course

Long before the written word, humans relied on stories to entertain, instruct, and preserve cultural traditions. Storytelling is a fundamental way that humans communicate, and yet it is often left out of the college classroom. Rather than telling students stories about how something works or

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creating better online videos to boost student learning

Transforming Your Lectures into Online Videos

When I was asked to create an online course 20 years ago, I simply transcribed my face-to-face lectures into 10–15 page Word documents that I posted in our LMS. Don’t ask me how my students managed to get through them.

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teaching with technology

What Messages Are You Sending with Your Videos?

Rebecca Yvonne Bayeck and Jinhee Choi of Pennsylvania State University recently did an interesting study examining how MOOC videos convey messages about culture and power through elements such as dress, setting, and character position. For instance, they found that educational videos from France and South

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Add Interactions to Your Online Videos

Frequent interaction with learning content is critical to learning and retention because it is needed to move information from our working to long-term memory. That is why it is a good practice to add interactions to videos every five minutes or so. These interactions can

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Simple Tips for Improving Your Online Videos

Videos grab the viewer’s attention better than any other form of online education content, and with webcams built into nearly all laptops, and cheap external ones available from any electronics store, a straightforward webcam shot is probably the easiest type of video to make. Plus,

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Tools for adding animation to your course.

Simple Animation for Your Courses

Animation is an engaging format for delivering online content. We see it used in TED-Ed presentations, educational documentaries, and elsewhere. It is also much easier to make than many people think. Simple and free, or inexpensive, online systems allow anyone to make animated videos in

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