Grading and Feedback

Leveraging Generative AI for Effective Rubric Development

Rubrics have been indispensable in education for providing clarity on performance expectations, consistency in grading, and detailed feedback to students. Generative AI has revolutionized rubric development, offering higher education instructors new opportunities to enhance their teaching and assessment practices. As AI continues to evolve, it

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AI-Driven Quiz Creation with Quizizz

Quizizz has long been a popular app for developing and delivering quizzes to students, and like many apps, it has received major upgrades with the integration of generative AI. These upgrades save instructors time and can personalize learning for each student.

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Incorporating Reflection Questions on Final Exams

Most professional program curricula focus on the required specialized knowledge and skills to meet the profession’s needs. Yet graduates need more than subject matter competencies to meet the requirements of their professional work. Our graduates must be capable of solving complex problems and have dynamic

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There Is Still a Place for Oral Exams in Education

While written assessments are the most common tool for measuring learning today, the earliest form of assessment was oral. The Socratic dialectic used by the ancient Greeks, and still used today in Oxford’s tutorial system, combined learning and assessments through a conversation with the student.

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Peer Feedback: Creating a Culture of Connection

Feedback on performance is one of the most important factors to learning (Cavalcanti et al., 2021). But feedback need not come only from instructors. Students can learn from getting feedback from other students. It not only improves their work but also teaches them to

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Writing versus Thinking Skills: A False Dichotomy

When I first began teaching philosophy, I had a standard comment on assignments for students whose writing was unclear:

While you understand the content, you are having trouble getting down on paper what you know. Note the areas that I marked as

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