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Self-regulated Learning

Teaching Self-Regulated Learning: Two Methods

Back when I was an undergraduate, students were thought to drop out of college because either they failed to take it seriously or couldn’t handle the academic rigor. But now higher education recognizes that many students fail due to lack of self-regulated learning skills. These

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classroom cognition - science of learning

Classroom Cognition: The Science of Learning in Lecture

Students often put in a great deal of time and energy into learning course material, yet their efforts are often less than fruitful. Week after week, we witness students arriving to lecture—seemingly prepared—armed with planners, Post-its, highlighters, and tablets. With such obvious effort poured into

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Five Ways to Use ePortfolios for Reflection

Please show me innovative teaching strategies I can actually use!

As educators, we are often seeking new and exciting ways to engage our students, only to find that our teaching load leaves little time for focusing on the more innovative approaches. This dilemma is compounded

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self assessment

The Link Between Self-Assessment and Examination Performance

Self-assessment is important for effective learning. Students who are skilled at examining their own thought processes can use the resulting information to learn and perform well in testing situations. In addition, those who effectively use feedback from exams can raise their level of learning. I

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Metacognition: Knowledge and Regulation of Learning

The easier description of metacognition is “thinking about thinking.” To be metacognitive implies having knowledge of cognitive processes and having the ability to regulate them. In the case of students, that’s knowing about study strategies, their effects on learning, and the ability to act on

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Self-Efficacy: Its Relationship to Learning

The definition of self-efficacy is straightforward: “a person’s perception that he or she has the skill and capability to undertake a particular task.” (p. 1918) It’s important to teachers because of its “consistent” and “demonstrable” links to student learning outcomes. If students believe they can

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student learning

Student-Led Lessons Rather Than Student Presentations

There’s no question that students learn an enormous amount when they assume the role of teacher. That’s why student presentations hold such great potential to enhance student ownership of the content. The problem is that while the student presenters learn much, in most cases the

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Digging Deeper into Multitasking

To say that technology has increased multitasking qualifies as a classic understatement. People walk and text, they talk and check Facebook, they shop during lunch, and they study with headphones on. At this time in our culture, it’s permissible to be on your phone anywhere.

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