Course Design

AI Lesson Development with Diffit

There are now AI resources to help instructors through all steps of lesson development, from crafting lesson outlines with ChatGPT to creating assessments with QuestionWell. Now Diffit has come along to provide a start-to-finish resource for creating lessons. While instructors are likely to edit the

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Affordances and Constraints in Teaching

The first summer job I ever had was mowing lawns. Back then (this was the ’70s), I would start the power mower, and the blade kept spinning until I turned the mower off. I learned quickly to pull the mower up a slope and not

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The Unexamined Class Is Not Worth Teaching

A teacher’s work is rarely done. You may think you have nailed it one day only to flounder the next. One semester may go swimmingly, but another may feel like drudgery. Most college and university teachers have challenging first years as they navigate the rigors

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Too Exhausted to Take Students to an Event? Do It Anyway

On stage at The Comedy of Errors that night, long-lost twin brothers embraced to the swelling strains of “Amazing Grace”; offstage, in the seat next to mine, my Very Reluctant Student turned to me—misty-eyed, breathless—and whispered, 


This is your sign to take students

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Course Conclusion as Closure

Many years ago, I taught college composition at a small art and illustration college in Chicago. The students in my classes were a diverse and irrepressibly creative bunch with an intimidating range of writing confidence and experience—a true challenge for a relatively inexperienced writing

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