Teaching Strategies and Techniques

Creating an AI Tutor Tailored to Your Course

One of the biggest problems with homework is that students who make a mistake or get stuck have no resources to correct their misimpressions or help them through the obstacle. That is why my collaborators and I created Personify. Personify provides tutoring that helps students

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Leveraging Generative AI for Effective Rubric Development

Rubrics have been indispensable in education for providing clarity on performance expectations, consistency in grading, and detailed feedback to students. Generative AI has revolutionized rubric development, offering higher education instructors new opportunities to enhance their teaching and assessment practices. As AI continues to evolve, it

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Creating an OER Textbook with Artificial Intelligence

Many of us would like to have a textbook tailored to our specific course, but since publishers cannot produce individualized textbooks, we often settle for the best available choice. Sometimes, we need more than one text to meet all the learning objectives we want our

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Using Game-Based Teaching to Engage Reluctant Learners

Picture this: Days before your semester begins, your students are messaging each other about how excited they are to begin your class. Then, during the semester, they show up to every lesson curious about what they’re going to learn that day, even enthusiastic about doing

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Exploring AI Mentors

Have you activated your own AI companion yet? Not sure how to explain a certain concept in class? Having trouble coming up with a new assignment? Feeling burnt out, exhausted, creatively dry, or a loss of excitement for your job? Maybe a short spell with

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How to Craft Prompts for AI

Crafting effective AI prompts figures to be one of the most important skills students will need in their professional lives. Instructors can prepare students for postcollegiate success by learning and teaching the basic principles of AI prompt creation.

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Teaching and Learning through Discomfort

For over a decade, I taught a course titled biomedical ethics, a subject teeming with complex moral dilemmas and deeply held convictions. The course provided an introduction to decision making within the realms of public health, medicine, and healthcare, focusing specifically on bioethical concerns. It

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Teaching Subject-Matter Thinking via Fictional Scenarios

Dan Meyer pointed out in his 2010 TED Talk that math instruction tends to leave out the most important part of real-world problems: the process of analyzing a novel situation to determine what information and formulas are needed to solve the problem. Teachers bypass this

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Exercises for Teaching Students about AI

“Come to class today, and you’ll fight robots,” I emailed my students before their senior seminar class in political science last year. By “robots” I meant AI bots, and the lesson would teach students about how to use AI through three different activities. The idea

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AI-Driven Quiz Creation with Quizizz

Quizizz has long been a popular app for developing and delivering quizzes to students, and like many apps, it has received major upgrades with the integration of generative AI. These upgrades save instructors time and can personalize learning for each student.

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