Teaching Strategies and Techniques

Building Skills with Bots: Using AI throughout the Writing Process

Fears of disingenuous work, fraudulent and stolen information, and theft of intellectual property have been swirling around education circles, especially since the release of ChatGPT and other forms of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). These fears constitute a concern that our students will use these tools

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Using SMART Goal Setting to Advance Student Achievement and Confidence

Students often struggle academically due to an inability to organize their lives around achievable goals. Students beyond early adulthood may have already reached certain personal goals but now must balance their priorities, time, and resources in striving for academic goals while still maintaining structure and

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Teaching Self-Regulated Learning: Two Methods

Back when I was an undergraduate, students were thought to drop out of college because either they failed to take it seriously or couldn’t handle the academic rigor. But now higher education recognizes that many students fail due to lack of self-regulated learning skills. These

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Let’s Get Real: Does Using AI Aid Learning?

Barely a day goes by without the latest invitation to a seminar on artificial intelligence or some handwaving about how AI could end the world as we know it. AI has already changed the world. Google searches incorporate AI. Most websites you interact with use

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Why Teachers Are Switching to the FigJam Whiteboard

Traditional slide decks for hosting content in live videoconferences have the major drawback that the content is static and fixed ahead of time. Students can only watch passively and respond through the chat box on the side, and their comments are easy to miss if

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Teaching Students the Art of the Video Essay

The rolling TV cart: a beloved icon of the educational system in the 1980s and ’90s. As students, we cheered the cart’s arrival like it was the guest star of a sitcom rolling through the door. It represented a joyous approach to learning, free from

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Statue of William Shakespeare in London's Leicester Square

Need Some Teaching Advice? Let’s Ask Shakespeare

Reason 9,341 why I love being a Shakespearean? One-liners for every classroom occasion. Prepping for an exam? “The readiness is all!” Choosing essay topics? “Study what you most affect!” Student snoozing in the third row? “Sleep no more!”

Some of Shakespeare’s phrases have proven so

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Stock photo of a 2D digital brain and search engine bar floating above someone's typing hands

Getting Past AI Fears: Student Success Demands It

Those of us who were teaching when online education arrived in the late 1990s remember how it split faculty between those who embraced its possibilities and those who dismissed it. Academic publications with an online presence were even assumed to be unreliable—a stark contrast with

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