Teaching Strategies and Techniques

Engaging Students through Cases

In recent years, the education world has been focusing on ways to generate student engagement in learning. This is because of the well-established fact that people learn better when they are actively thinking about the material as they learn it rather than just hoping to

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Learning from Learners: Student Use of AI

When educators talk about AI, they seem to fall into one of two camps: one that is vehemently against the use of it in education and another that acknowledges its growing influence and agrees that the way we teach must change. I pondered my own

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AI Study Aids for Improved Learning

Many students struggle with their education due to poor study skills. They wait until the last minute to cram for an exam, when spaced repetition of the material at set intervals across a course is a much more effective learning method. Many will also just

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AI Lesson Development with Diffit

There are now AI resources to help instructors through all steps of lesson development, from crafting lesson outlines with ChatGPT to creating assessments with QuestionWell. Now Diffit has come along to provide a start-to-finish resource for creating lessons. While instructors are likely to edit the

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An AI Resource for Better Reading Comprehension

Many of us would like to assume that students who complete an assigned reading must thereby understand it. But students often get far less out of a reading than we might hope. For one, students lack the background understanding in the field that plays a

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Combating Late-Semester Blues

In Rasselas, Samuel Johnson’s philosopher Imlac offers the following bleak assessment of life: “Human life is every where [sic] a state in which much is to be endured, and little to be enjoyed” ([1759] 1999, 31). Having been a teacher for more than 30 years,

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What AI Can Teach Educators about Deep Learning

In a 2023 article published in The Hill, Sarah Eaton, an associate professor of education at the University of Calgary who primarily researches ethical issues and issues of academic integrity in higher education, called ChatGPT and similar generative AI models “the greatest creative disruptor to

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Empowering Students with Strengths-Based Teaching

Educators play a pivotal role in shaping students’ academic journeys, and their impact in the classroom extends far beyond merely imparting knowledge or grading students’ work. Teachers’ communication in and out of the classroom has an effect on students’ self-efficacy, confidence, and resilience during challenging

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