student writing

Building Skills with Bots: Using AI throughout the Writing Process

Fears of disingenuous work, fraudulent and stolen information, and theft of intellectual property have been swirling around education circles, especially since the release of ChatGPT and other forms of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). These fears constitute a concern that our students will use these tools

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AI Tutoring Tools for Improving Learning

Higher education recognizes the importance of tutoring support to improve student success and retention. But human tutoring is costly and available only when tutors are scheduled. This is why AI tutoring is a rapidly expanding area of education. These systems provide tutoring where and when

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Writing versus Thinking Skills: A False Dichotomy

When I first began teaching philosophy, I had a standard comment on assignments for students whose writing was unclear:

While you understand the content, you are having trouble getting down on paper what you know. Note the areas that I marked as

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Peer Review of Writing: An Evidence-Based Strategy?

Getting a handle on the effectiveness of widely used instructional strategies is a challenge. They’re used in different fields and with broadly divergent design details. Moreover, studying the effects of strategy as it’s being used in a classroom presents research challenges and an array of

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Strategies for Conducting Online Student-Teacher Writing Conferences

Conferences between student writers and their writing teachers are a time-honored staple of process-oriented writing instruction. Online classes, while they may incorporate many of the other elements of the writing process model, frequently omit writing conferences since the face-to-face, real-time format that is typical of

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