late-career faculty

The Very Happy Colleague

Need some advice about getting along with coworkers? Try your children’s bookshelves. Here’s what I learned from my kid’s favorites.

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Growth across a Teaching Career

Most teaching careers last for years; for many of us, a lifetime. With noses to the grindstone, we don’t usually take stock of where we are in light of where we’ve been. We know that we aren’t teaching as we did in the beginning. The

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lessons from a retiring professor

Seven Big Lessons from a Retiring Professor

It is time to bid farewell to a career I have loved for so long that it now seems entirely too short. Reflecting on 42 years of teaching and some of my missteps, I share here a few of the major lessons I’ve learned.

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students in a lecture hall

Working to Make a Difference

“When are you going to retire?” “Why are you still working?” These are questions I’m asked regularly. Worried that the question is motivated by signs of diminished mental acuity, I scour old and new writings looking for evidence. Should I stop working? I wonder.

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The 2025 Teaching Professor Conference

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