college reading skills

An AI Resource for Better Reading Comprehension

Many of us would like to assume that students who complete an assigned reading must thereby understand it. But students often get far less out of a reading than we might hope. For one, students lack the background understanding in the field that plays a

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The Time Students Spend Doing the Reading

A new survey documents what most teachers already know: students don’t devote much time to their course-assigned readings (Sharma, Van Hoof, & Ramsay, 2019). And that’s not counting students who are doing their very best to get through a course without reading. In this survey,

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Students and Reading: Round Two

I’ve found another interesting study of students and reading which dovetails nicely with the research referenced in the July 25, 2012 post. I’m thinking that as the new academic year begins and readings are being selected and assigned, it’s beneficial to keep thinking about student

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