cognitive psychology

The Curious Role of Curiosity in Student Learning

On July 20, 2007, millions of people around the world were filled with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. What was the cause? The seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) was set to be released at

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classroom cognition - science of learning

Classroom Cognition: The Science of Learning in Lecture

Students often put in a great deal of time and energy into learning course material, yet their efforts are often less than fruitful. Week after week, we witness students arriving to lecture—seemingly prepared—armed with planners, Post-its, highlighters, and tablets. With such obvious effort poured into

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active learning in the classroom

Active Learning: A Perspective from Cognitive Psychology

In recent years, the phrase active learning has become commonplace across the academic disciplines of higher education. Indeed, most faculty members are familiar with definitions that go something like this: Active learning involves tasks that require students not only to do something, but also to

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