
Teaching Gender and Sexuality in a Divisive Climate

Lately, social media videos have been flooded with discourse and arguments as to what constitutes a man and a woman and whether biology dictates gender. Many are being recorded on college campuses and in community forums. It is unclear which came first, but in 2023,

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Creating an AI Tutor Tailored to Your Course

One of the biggest problems with homework is that students who make a mistake or get stuck have no resources to correct their misimpressions or help them through the obstacle. That is why my collaborators and I created Personify. Personify provides tutoring that helps students

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The Indicator of a Great Teacher

A childhood friend of mine passed away a few years ago. We worked on the high school yearbook together, but what was for me an extracurricular became for him a lifelong passion for journalism. He majored in it in college and became a sports reporter.

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Leveraging Generative AI for Effective Rubric Development

Rubrics have been indispensable in education for providing clarity on performance expectations, consistency in grading, and detailed feedback to students. Generative AI has revolutionized rubric development, offering higher education instructors new opportunities to enhance their teaching and assessment practices. As AI continues to evolve, it

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My YouTube Teaching Playlist

It wasn’t until I described how watching Ian McKellen’s explication of Macbeth helped me recover from a lousy class session that I realized how often I turn to YouTube videos to process the ups and downs of teaching. Here are a few more of my

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Creating an OER Textbook with Artificial Intelligence

Many of us would like to have a textbook tailored to our specific course, but since publishers cannot produce individualized textbooks, we often settle for the best available choice. Sometimes, we need more than one text to meet all the learning objectives we want our

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Using Game-Based Teaching to Engage Reluctant Learners

Picture this: Days before your semester begins, your students are messaging each other about how excited they are to begin your class. Then, during the semester, they show up to every lesson curious about what they’re going to learn that day, even enthusiastic about doing

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Exploring AI Mentors

Have you activated your own AI companion yet? Not sure how to explain a certain concept in class? Having trouble coming up with a new assignment? Feeling burnt out, exhausted, creatively dry, or a loss of excitement for your job? Maybe a short spell with

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