writing assignments

What AI Can Teach Educators about Deep Learning

In a 2023 article published in The Hill, Sarah Eaton, an associate professor of education at the University of Calgary who primarily researches ethical issues and issues of academic integrity in higher education, called ChatGPT and similar generative AI models “the greatest creative disruptor to

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Building Skills with Bots: Using AI throughout the Writing Process

Fears of disingenuous work, fraudulent and stolen information, and theft of intellectual property have been swirling around education circles, especially since the release of ChatGPT and other forms of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI). These fears constitute a concern that our students will use these tools

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The Instructional Value of Formative Assessment and Feedback

Formative writing assessments, like writing-to-learn activities, provide instructors with valuable and ongoing insights into student learning. Often ungraded, these activities or assessments can create opportunities for instructors to generate formative feedback that helps students see where they are in the course, what they are

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Peer Review: Feedback from a Critical Friend

As a practitioner of learner-centered instruction, I am always looking for new ways to engage students in the learning process. Keeping true to the old adage “whoever is doing the teaching is doing the learning,” my instructional style often engages students in dialog, conversation, and

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Research That Makes the Case for Using Cases

Cases have a long tradition in business education, with a robust body of scholarship supporting their use. They been used for years as part of medical education’s problem-based learning approaches and more recently in undergraduate science education. The National Center for Case Study Use in

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Writing for Wikipedia

The traditional college assignment is seen by the instructor and nobody else. But having students contribute to Wikipedia gives them the pride of knowing that what they are creating will benefit others who use the information. For this reason I assign my upper-division courses to

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Learning logs are records of student learning or insights that grow out of personal reflection, or both

Learning Logs

We’ve chosen to finish up our series on assignments with information on learning logs. Like the innovative and interesting assignments we plan to continue highlighting, learning logs are versatile and can be used to accomplish a range of learning out comes.

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Afterthoughts - student reflection assignments

Afterthoughts: An Assignment that Gets Students Thinking

Our March installment in the collection of materials on assignments included an assignment template we proposed could be used as part of the assignment design process. We used the template to describe an assignment in which students read the syllabus and responded to it in

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blogging assignments

A Simple and Effective Way to Add Blogging to Your Courses

Most online instructors fall back on tried-and-true writing assignments and the LMS discussion forum to facilitate student engagement with material. But papers do not provide the opportunity for students to engage with other students on their ideas, and discussion forums track the conversation into pre-established

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