teaching tips

Statue of William Shakespeare in London's Leicester Square

Need Some Teaching Advice? Let’s Ask Shakespeare

Reason 9,341 why I love being a Shakespearean? One-liners for every classroom occasion. Prepping for an exam? “The readiness is all!” Choosing essay topics? “Study what you most affect!” Student snoozing in the third row? “Sleep no more!”

Some of Shakespeare’s phrases have proven so

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The Best Teaching Advice I Have Received

What makes some teachers more effective than others?

Throughout my teaching career, I have asked numerous colleagues, mentors, and associates for their advice regarding excellent teaching. Here is a sampling of the advice I have gleaned during the past 40 years from outstanding professors:

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prof in lecture hall

Are We Too Preoccupied with Teaching Techniques?

College teachers love techniques. If you’re invited to lead a teaching workshop, you can expect to be asked, “Will you share some good techniques?” Suggest them in the workshop and watch lots of smiling participants write them down with great enthusiasm. Why do we love

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5 things to do on the day of class

Five Things to Do on the First Day of Class

I don’t know if the first day of class is the most important day of the course, but I don’t think many of us would disregard its significance. What we do and how we do it matters. There are lots of good first-day activities—we’ve shared

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Answer-Oriented Students

Getting Answer-Oriented Students to Focus on the Questions

Are your students too answer oriented? Are they pretty much convinced that there’s a right answer to every question asked in class? When preparing for exams, do they focus on memorizing answers, often without thinking about the questions?

To cultivate interest in questions, consider having

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