
Leveraging Generative AI for Effective Rubric Development

Rubrics have been indispensable in education for providing clarity on performance expectations, consistency in grading, and detailed feedback to students. Generative AI has revolutionized rubric development, offering higher education instructors new opportunities to enhance their teaching and assessment practices. As AI continues to evolve, it

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Peer Feedback: Creating a Culture of Connection

Feedback on performance is one of the most important factors to learning (Cavalcanti et al., 2021). But feedback need not come only from instructors. Students can learn from getting feedback from other students. It not only improves their work but also teaches them to

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An Empathetic Approach to Writing Rubrics

“Response shows a complete lack of understanding.”
“Piece had no style or voice.”
“Position is incoherent.”
“Thesis is utterly incompetent.”

This is some of the discouraging feedback that we found in an interdisciplinary, cross-institutional survey of

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time-saving strategies for college faculty.

Save Time and Promote Learning? Yes, You Can!

Teaching well takes time—time to prepare content and course materials, to interact with students in class, during office hours and electronically, to keep up with developments in the field, to grade and provide constructive feedback, and that just starts the list. To allow for scholarly

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Rubrics: Defining Features

Twenty years ago, many faculty didn’t know what rubrics were, but today they are well known and widely used, both in practice and research. And like many other instructional innovations, they have come to be used and defined differently. Dawson (2017) aspires to sort through

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online courses

Rubric Options for an Online Class

Athletes are often “graded out” by their coaches after a game, and they always know ahead of time the exact criteria that will be used to grade them. An offensive lineman knows that he will be graded on the number of sacks allowed, missed blocks,

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screencasting feedback

Managing Feedback

Sample APA Style feedback bank comment: A new guideline of the 6th edition of APA style is the inclusion of DOI (digital object identifier) information with each entry in your reference list for which DOI information is available. The DOI provides readers with necessary information

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Exploring the advantages of rubrics

Exploring the Advantages of Rubrics

“I don’t believe in giving students rubrics,” a faculty member told me recently. “They’re another example of something that waters down education.” I was telling him about a study I’d just read that documented some significant improvement in student papers when students used a detailed

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